nPlus1 launches on Monday, October 27th!

What is nPlus1?
nPlus1 is going to be a great resource for Software Architects or aspiring architects who are looking to take their skills to the next level (hence the plus 1). Our goal is to have original articles that are relevant to software architects regardless of platform, with a few from time to time that are specific to one technology or another. We also plan on posting links to other sites and articles from sources that our staff feel are good resources to our readers.
The site officially launches on Monday, Oct. 27th. That's the first day of the Microsoft Professional Developer's Conference (PDC) and the senior staff will be there. If you're going to be at PDC keep an eye out for us. We'll be wearing white t-shirts with the nPlus1 logo on the back. If you want to learn more about nPlus1 make sure to stop and ask us about it.
Mike and myself are very excited about this. We hope you all find the site to be a great resource.